With KadoListe, quickly and easily share your gift lists with your family and friends for all occasions in life.View and create gift lists:Find all your friends, consult their lists and reserve the gifts they will like.Please your loved ones by giving them the gift they want, without making mistakes and avoiding duplicates.Tell them your wishes and they can safely choose your dreamed gift!!Manage other users:Manage the lists of your children or your loved ones who do not have access to the application, their happiness will be even greater.Be notified:Be notified when your loved one adds gifts to their lists or when they add one to yours (only if the gift is visible to you).Add gifts:Add gifts simply through our partners or add your wishes manually.Surprise effect :The surprise effect remains guaranteed, the gift reservations are discreet, this is all the magic to receive a gift without expecting it.KadoListe, the pleasure of offering and receiving for moments of unforgettable happiness!